Does Your Dog Have Gas?

Wednesday, November 25th, 2020

Are you opening windows and burning candles before friends come over?


Are you wearing a mask inside the house even when it’s just you and your dog watching Netflix?


It’s not normal for dogs to have consistent bad gas. Think how uncomfortable you’d be in the same situation.

Many people start adding probiotics and digestive enzymes to try and help, but the first thing to evaluate is – is my dog’s food really working for him/her?


If you’ve been feeding the same kibble and it’s just the last bag when the flatulence started, consider taking the bag back to the store and asking for a replacement. Check expiry dates. Store your dog’s food within the bag, within a food safe container.


If it’s a new food, did you transition too quickly?


Are the new protein and fat percentages quite different than the previous food? Don’t make big changes (increases in fat and fiber are often more challenging for the GI tract)


Is the new food grain free whereas the previous one included grain? Not all dogs do well with peas and lentils in GF formulas.


If gas is only a problem occasionally, look at the treats you’re feeding.


Often dogs who seem gassy no matter what you try will do better on a fresh food diet which has a higher rate of digestibility.


Probiotics and digestive enzymes have their place, but we’d want to see more of the dog’s history and consider the breed and age first.


Once you find a food that works for your dog, consider adding probiotic and prebiotic rich foods (tiny amounts to start) to their kibble. We want diversity in the microbiome and small amounts of veggies, yogurt or kefir can help.